The Swedish Association of Midwives

The midwife’s field of work includes the woman’s sexual and reproductive health with a lifecycle perspective.

The Swedish Association of Midwives was founded in 1886.

The Swedish Association of Midwives works independently and actively to develop the professional midwifery skills, promote women’s sexual and reproductive health as well as enhance better reproductive and perinatal care.

The aims (Stadgar 2019) are:
to promote the professional development of midwives
to promote research and development in midwifery care
to work to ensure that the practice of midwifery has an ethical approach and is carried out in accordance with scientific development and reliable experience
to work to ensure that midwifery education also is designed for promotion of professional development
to work for national, Nordic and international co-operation in midwifery
to promote co-operation with organisations related to midwifery
to promote sexual and reproductive health from a rights perspective
to initiative and participate in the progress of health, medical and social services, for the health of women and children.

The Swedish Association of Midwives Byelaws (english)

The activities are carried out by the Biennal General Meeting, the National Board of the Swedish Association of Midwives, the local associations, the monthly journal Jordemodern, the Board of Scientific, Ethics, Education and the International Board.

The Swedish Association of Midwives is an non profit, non governmental organization (NGO) for registered midwives and students. Since January 2019 The Swedish Association of Midwives is a professional association for midwives and members within the trade union SRAT.

The Swedish Midwives


The Swedish Association of Midwives’  jubilee book 300 ÅR I LIVETS TJÄNST (ISBN: 978-91-633-8383-0, 2011) was launched in 2011 to celebrate 125 years with our association and 300 years with educated, professional midwives in Sweden. It is a book about midwives and midwifery development, the decline in maternal mortality and the strengthening of sexual and reproductive health and rights. The printed book is enriched with stories and pictures from other countries.

The book was translated into English 2013 (ISBN 978-91-637-3151-8).
Here you can read selected chapters from the book 300 YEARS IN THE SERVICE OF LIFE.

The Swedish Midwifery Report 2021

The midwife’s role in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. Protect and invest together.
Swedish Network for Midwifery at The Swedish Association of Midwives Stockholm 2021. Chair Helena Lindgren. Writing group: Marie Berg, Malin Bogren, Kerstin Erlandsson, Gabriella Hök, Helena Lindgren and Ingrid Osika Friberg.

The Swedish Association of Midwives

Baldersgatan 1
SE-114 27 Stockholm

The Board of the Swedish Association of Midwives


More information

License to work as a midwife  in Sweden –

Registered Midwives – RN RM – Description of Required Competences for Registered Midwives 2018 (The Swedish Association of Midwives 2019).

General recommendations issued by The Swedish Association of Midwives: Kompetensbeskrivning för legitimerad barnmorska: reproduktiv, perinatal och sexuell hälsa (in Swedish: Svenska Barnmorskeförbundet 2018 (2.0)).

The Swedish Association of Midwives – get in contact

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Senast uppdaterat: 2024-06-20